
Why  do  we  need  Psychotherapy?

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Therapy gives you a safe and secure place to explore your thoughts, feelings and concerns. Coming out of emotional pain will make you look forward to life. It will give you the freedom to live a more prosperous and fuller life, build positive relationships and be more resilient. The end result is an active brain filled with positive thoughts and motivation.

Insights are decisive and take courage to develop an understanding we have baggage to your eternal happiness and pleasure. If you create the wisdom to seek, the genesis of your mind crafting to wellness starts here. My goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your unique situation by providing culturally sensitive treatment that will be tailored specifically toward what’s going on in our communities right now.

I bring the expertise gained over time working closely alongside people from diverse ethnicities across Ontario so we can overcome challenges together.

Here are some reasons as to why and when you should seek therapy or counselling:

  • The stressors hit you and keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • Not able to find someone to trust and share how you feel, just you feel shame, guilt, fear. More concerned about accessing therapy, fearful about how people judge you?
  • When you find handling relationships difficult
  • When a multitude of things happen around you, you get overwhelmed
  • When you feel you are not able to become the person you want to
  • When you always need help from others to solve your problems
  • When you feel you need to make a change
  • Compassion fatigue, burnout & vicarious trauma

It is indeed a brave decision to go in for a therapy session. Yes, you are right. It is more about sharing the deep-rooted scars, thoughts, and memories, that need to be tackled and dealt with. The reality is our brains are hard-wired with regular patterns, talking, listening, responding, and seeing ultimately our belief systems are all pre-programmed since your childhood. The rewiring is important for resetting and rebooting the system again, fresh and new.

My therapy focus is to re-build the lost connection with yourself and raising your consciousness so as to address the blocks and obstacles. I work at channelizing your inner strength, boosting your self-esteem and building confidence within you. During the course of the journey, while addressing the underlying stressors these might re-surface but believe me, this is a positive way forward to come out of it too.

The Process:

The process of therapy can be daunting, but it is worth taking that first step forward toward healing your pain and resolving personal issues.

A therapist provides an environment where they feel comfortable enough to share deeply intimate details about themselves with another person in order for themself or another individual on the receiving end gain insight as well awareness which will lead toward change within oneself.

Feel like you are done with this life? You Deserve Support

Have you been pushed so hard by life that suicidal thoughts have started crossing your mind frequently?

This only indicates that your pain may seem permanent and overwhelming. No matter how much pain you’re undergoing, remember you are not alone. Many of us have had suicidal thoughts at some point or the other. The common suicidal symptoms include: Getting the means to take your own life, doing self-destructive things, withdrawing from social networks, feeling trapped and having varied mood swings. While some people make their intentions very clear, others keep their suicidal thoughts to themselves.

Psychotherapy can help cope with a lot of people with a wide range of experiences. And one such experience is the ideation of suicide. For most of them who experience suicidal thoughts might actually not die of suicide, however, may exhibit suicidal behaviour or make suicidal attempts. I can help you restore your quality of life.

It is hard to believe that there are different ways to deal with this situation, and it is just that you are not able to see them currently. Whether you’re having suicidal thoughts or if you know someone who feels suicidal, reach out for immediate help and a professional course of treatment. With the right kind of support, this pool of thoughts can be treated, and new hopes can be renewed.

Remember – Treatment can help you regain your perspective.

Self-Hate and Self-compassion

It is a well-known fact that human mind is flexible and a decision made can be changed anytime. Thus, the feeling of self-hate can always be channelized to a positive direction of self-love. This will surely need a little nudge and some friendly guidance, but trust me, that’s the way to go. Before any feeling takes over, always give self-love first priority. This gives you the confidence to overcome any negative thoughts that cross over your mind. In the long run, remember self-love is the tool that makes you see the beautiful life with the motivation to take on anything that comes your way.